Waht is the most popular pets in Japan?

Who in the world has never had a pet before? Even if it’s that fashionable pet stone decades ago, or a pet plant – still, that innate part being human – that ability and need to give some tender love and affection is both a stress relief as well as a source of joy and inspiration.

Top Ten Pets at Japan

That leads us to wonder what are the most popular pets in Japan. According to conducts surveys, the top ten pets, from the bottom to the top are the following from the tenth place to the top:

  • At tenth place are insects
  • Ninth are rabbits
  • Eighth turn out to be hamsters
  • Seventh are other fish
  • Sixth are birds
  • Fifth, tortoises or turtles
  • Fourth are tropical fish
  • Coldfish or Koi carp run in at third
  • The second are Cats
  • The most popular are Dogs

Makes you think how diverse the pets are and how mighty complicated it might be to have a pet shop that would cover all the needs of every pet owner. Smile.  This just shows how compassionate people are when it comes to finding a pet that they could share some more love or have as company.

Top Ten Reasons to have a Pet

But if you wonder what the top ten reasons are to have a pet, here is the list:

  • At tenth, people consider it as part of their lifestyle, it’s part of their environment.
  • Next would be to help fix a problem, like get some exercise.
  • The top eighth reason is for useful crime prevention.
  • Seventh is to feel gratefulness.
  • The sixth is quite interesting, which is to help in the upbringing of one’s kids.
  • Fifth is not to be lonely and have some company.
  • Fourth came is as to have the home become brighter, become happier.
  • Third is to have a constant topic to talk about and care about as a family.
  • Second ranks is as to have things more fun.
  • The top reason is for Healing.

So, let’s get our own pet, right now!


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